Wednesday, February 15, 2006

Thomas and Sarah LAISTER - grave

Thomas and Sarah Laister, along with son Edwin and his wife Anne, are buried at Moorgate Cemetery, Rotherham.

Inscription reads:
In Affectionate Remembrance of
Thomas Laister who departed this life
February 20th 1869 aged 75 years.
Also Sarah, relict of the above
who died May 5th 1877 aged 76 years.
Prepare to meet thy God
Also Edwin John,
son of the above
who died April 6th 1907 aged 66 years.
He that believeth in me, though he were dead,
yet shall he live
Also Anne, wife of the above named
Edwin John Laister
who died December 13th 1916
The Lord is my shepherd
Make them to be numbered with
thy saints in glory everylasting

Many thanks to Margaret Sturdy for obtaining these photographs and making them available to me. Its thrilling to be able to see the grave of my Third-great Grandfather.

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