Saturday, December 10, 2005

As you can see from the previous posts, the grave of Arthur Cooper and his family has unfortunately been knocked over sometime in the last sixty years since his death. The grave gets covered with leaves and debris, and on the day I visited was rather wet as it had rained the day before. The transcription is long and reads:
In Loving Memory of ANNIE beloved wife of ARTHUR CHARLES COOPER who died April 16th 1896 aged 35 years Dearest loved one we have laid thee in a peaceful grave's embrace But thy memory shall be cherished Til we see thy heavenly face Also LILIAN MAY COOPER who died December 30th 1898 aged 7 months Oh! Why should we repine If Jesus thought it best To take this tender flower And place it with the blest Also Cpl A Cooper killed in action 27th May 1918 aged 27 years Also Arthur Charles Cooper beloved husband of Annie Cooper died 8th June 1941 aged 78 years
The grave is located at Independant Section A grave 378, Rookwood Cemetery, Lidcombe, NSW. Posted by Picasa

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